What I Need (WIN) is meant to meet the academic needs of our students by providing academic assistance based on data collected and research and evidence based practices, giving students What They Need to succeed. WIN is part of the Department of Public Instructions Response to Intervention (RTI) initiative.  

Birchwood Middle School Teachers use data collected from universal screeners to place all students into WIN time groups according to what they need. Students who demonstrate a more intensive need on the Universal Screener will be given remediation during WIN time with our interventionist, reading specialist, paraprofessional, and/or classroom teachers.  

RTI is based on the premise that all students can learn and achieve academic success when provided high-quality, differentiated instruction built around a standards-based curriculum.  Birchwood High School follows a comprehensive system of tiered research and evidence based interventions, which is critical for reaching all student’s academic and behavioral needs.  RTI is a process for achieving greater levels of academic and behavioral success for all students through high-quality instruction, balanced assessment and collaboration.

Our RTI system is based on the 3-tier approach. Tier 1(Universal) provides all students with high quality instruction that is engaging, standards-based, data driven, research and evidence based practices.  Tier 1 includes curriculum, programs, and services for ALL students.  Tier 2(Select Small Group Interventions) is in addition to regular classroom instruction.  It is meant as a means to assist students in attaining grade level standards, benchmarks and curricular expectations.  Tier 3(select small group and/or individual intensive intervention) provides students with even more assistance in attaining grade level standards, benchmarks, and curricular expectations.  If needs cannot be met with Tier 3 interventions, Special Education services may be explored.

For more information about the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s RTI initiative, please click here.